15.10.20 to 18.10.20
at Matreselva - 75015 Paris
15.10.20 to 18.10.20
at Matreselva - 75015 Paris
Against the backdrop of the uncanny, Garance Krengel puts forward two collections of photographs taken during the recent lockdown in London.
At a time when the rules put in place by the British government don’t match those of France, everyday life takes a strange turn, caught between two states. Can we get out of this or not? Is it really safer to stay at home? How should we act outside the home?
As we are interrogating and disputing the obligations and prohibitions that demarcate our freedom of movement, Garance is all while shining a light on the doubts, uncertainties and blurred lines that characterise everyday situations.
The series titled “Balcony” illustrates how the inside is pushed outside, and put on show for passers-by to inspect. Unlike a cellar which buries our accumulated possessions, here they are piled up under open skies; that which should stay hidden, secret, instead stops the light from getting in. The home withdraws into itself and closes itself off – it becomes pregnant with anxiety.
The series titled “Uncanny” (whose title is derived from the Freudian concept Das Unheimliche), invokes the presence and absence of human existence, across a range of different formats. Where, therefore, do we find existence? Through the scars of a life in abeyance, of time come to a halt and left to its own devices, humanity thins out.