This small bag for men is the perfect size (270x200mm) to carry all of his essential, everyday objects (keys, wallet, phone, etc.) without being unwieldy or too heavy. With a zip pocket on each side, the small bag functions in both senses in a similar and simple shape. The strap for closing the bag resembles the strap for harnessing a horse.
Yet, this small bag has one particularity: being inspired by Mary Poppins, it has the capacity to store large objects despite its small size! The aim of this bag is to be able to carry a laptop. By turning over the bag a small vent becomes visible, which is in fact a hidden pocket. This runs along the entire side of the bag, and enables it open up and double its interior capacity.
This suprisingly small bag is also surprisingly big. It opens itself up to a size large enough to carry a laptop computer, adapting itself to the needs of the user.